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Showing posts from December, 2017

Top 5 Secrets You Can't Live Without

Weight Loss For Women: Top 5 Secrets You Can't Live Without Hello ladies, are you tired of every other ad claiming that they have a program specifically designed for weight loss for women? From one lady to another, stop torturing yourself with these addictive claims. Learn an effective way to lose weight safely and quickly without jitters and without losing your bank account. Learn the 5 secrets for successful weight loss that you can do anywhere and anytime. It is tiring every time you turn your head or turn on the radio or television one or more ads will appear claiming to be for quick weight loss. Really, especially with the new year that is all you hear about. Every single time the television is on, an ad talks about how great their program can help you lose weight and not do anything differently. Then you jump in your car to get the kids, and guess what's on the radio? You got it another ad about how this system will help you lose weight and oh, this one says

5 Facts That Make Weight Loss For Women Unique

5 Facts That Make Weight Loss For Women Unique Weight loss for women is not the same as it is for men. It doesn't mean that just because you're a woman you can't reach your weight loss goals, you just have to be aware of a number of issues. Let's look at 5 bizarre truths about healthy weight loss for women. 1. A Woman's Hormones Are Different. Women have a higher level of the hormone Leptin that controls our body's ability to burn fat. This sounds like good news, but women are much less responsive to Leptin's signal to burn fat than men. This means even though women have a lot more Leptin they just cannot use its fat burning potential in the same way as men. This is because a woman's body is hardwired to cling onto body fat as stored energy and warmth for child bearing and child nurturing. 2. Emotional Differences. Women also face more difficult emotional issues that are intricately connected to their relationship with food. When it comes t

The Whole Woman And Her Whole Wellness - Physical Health And Well-Being

The Whole Woman And Her Whole Wellness - Physical Health And Well-Being A woman is beautiful as she is! Welcome to the power of women, the power that makes them just as capable, as smart, as funny, and as compassionate as men. More than that, it empowers them to take up her distinctive position in society, at the same time being a daughter, a wife, a mother, homemaker, and all the other roles her considerable responsibilities call upon her seemingly infinite energy. Along with this emotional fluency, skill required to make a family survive and the language of power, the quintessential woman needs to be physically fit as well. Very few physical disorders are unique to women, or are more prevalent or serious in women. Medical wellness consultants will inform you that the earliest to appear are precocious puberty, anorexia and bulimia. Reproductive health concerns are a major focus of women's health. Cancer is the leading cause of death in middle-aged women. Smoking contr

For Women, Health Issues Raise Special Concerns

For Women, Health Issues Raise Special Concerns When it comes to women health concerns can be far different than those faced by men. While it is true that the male and female bodies are prone to many of the same concerns with regard to illness, disease, and general maintenance, there is no arguing with the fact that women face a variety of unique challenges. These challenges begin early in life and continue well into menopause and beyond. Reproductive issues Girls first encounter the difficulties of being a woman when menstruation begins. From that point onward, girls face a host of issues directly related to their sex. Chemical imbalances in the vagina can result in yeast infections, and the uterus and ovaries are always susceptible to injury and various medical conditions. Common ailments Every woman soon learns that there are some illnesses and conditions that tend to affect females more than men. For example, men are three times less likely to suffer from gall stone

Women Health Body

Women Health All of you are very much familiar with the saying that "health is wealth". This is implemented to all individual irrespective to their age, gender, social status and etc. Health is a very important issue for all the individuals. And when it comes to women health, there are lots of questions to be asked. There are many issues when we talk about women health, out of them the important issues that most commonly experience by all women are discussed here. MENOPAUSE: OVERVIEW:  Every woman experiences the natural phenomena of menopause. Menopause is a natural process in which there is permanent stoppage of the normal menstrual cycle and reproductive functions. Most women experience this stage after 40 years of life but normal age range is between 45-55 years. CAUSES OF MENOPAUSE: NATURAL MENOPAUSE:  It is the permanent ending of the menstrual cycle due to normal changing in the reproductive and hormonal systems of the body. Natural menopau

Cramps and Backache Symptoms in Early Pregnancy

Cramps and Backache Symptoms in Early Pregnancy Bloating, Cramps and Backache in Early Pregnancy As part of their physical pre-menstrual symptom, lots of women undergo bloating, cramping and minor backache. Normally this is also experienced as their uterus begins to grow at the early pregnancy stage. Other early pregnancy symptoms usually include: • lighter bleeding or no period  • cardiovascular, blood flow and temperature changes  • nipple and breast changes  • frequent visits to the toilet  • morning sickness  • saliva increase  • fainting and dizziness  • headaches  • exhaustion and tiredness  • constipation and wind  • early pregnancy libido changes Lighter Bleeding or No Period Among the most obvious signs which allow a woman suspect or know about her pregnancy is usually the skipping of a menstrual period. However, there are a number of other symptoms and signs that give early pregnancy clues. Every woman does not necessarily undergo a