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5 Facts That Make Weight Loss For Women Unique

5 Facts That Make Weight Loss For Women Unique
5 Facts That Make Weight Loss For Women Unique
Weight loss for women is not the same as it is for men. It doesn't mean that just because you're a woman you can't reach your weight loss goals, you just have to be aware of a number of issues. Let's look at 5 bizarre truths about healthy weight loss for women.

1. A Woman's Hormones Are Different.

Women have a higher level of the hormone Leptin that controls our body's ability to burn fat. This sounds like good news, but women are much less responsive to Leptin's signal to burn fat than men. This means even though women have a lot more Leptin they just cannot use its fat burning potential in the same way as men. This is because a woman's body is hardwired to cling onto body fat as stored energy and warmth for child bearing and child nurturing.

2. Emotional Differences.

Women also face more difficult emotional issues that are intricately connected to their relationship with food. When it comes to being emotional eaters women are more likely than men to eat based on their emotional state. Depression, anger, sadness, and loneliness are all feelings that lead to emotional eating. This affliction can make healthy weight loss for women very challenging because emotional eating tends to come from a desire to feel better, and because it is typically sweet and fatty foods that do so, it leads to weight gain and poor self-esteem. It is important to identify the emotional issues and deal with them in healthy ways, even if it means reaching out for help.

3. Women Generally Do The Cooking And Shopping.

As much as women have become equals in the business world, another issue that effects healthy weight loss for women is that, more often than not, women are still the ones that do the cooking and food shopping for the household. By spending so much time around food, it can be easy to get off track, with tasting and choosing impulse foods at the store. One way you can start to combat this problem is by getting the family involved and taking that extra time to plan healthy meals, rather than going for the faster or easier alternatives.

4. Social Issues.

When women get together with their girlfriends, the social occasion is often centered around food and often those foods are not the type recommended on diet plans for women to lose weight. One of the best ways to lose fat is to never go to a party hungry, even if dinner is included. If you eat a light snack with lots of fiber and a little protein and fat half an hour before, you will not be so hungry and the food will not be quite so tempting.

5. Doing The Wrong Exercises.

It goes without saying that healthy weight loss for women needs to include exercise. But if you spend hours each week running, pedalling or stepping you're ruining your ability to burn fat and build a lean body. Excessive daily cardio basically makes your body hold on to fat and burn muscle instead. The best female weight loss workout needs to include resistance or strength training because muscle cells burn more calories than fat cells. But don't worry that you'll grow bulky muscles. Even if a woman exercised everyday with heavy weights she would not get that bulky bodybuilder shape. Men's bodies develop that way due to the testosterone hormone that has very low levels in women. ( Jon Allo )

The Whole Woman And Her Whole Wellness - Physical Health And Well-Being

The Whole Woman And Her Whole Wellness - Physical Health And Well-Being
The Whole Woman And Her Whole Wellness - Physical Health And Well-Being

A woman is beautiful as she is! Welcome to the power of women, the power that makes them just as capable, as smart, as funny, and as compassionate as men. More than that, it empowers them to take up her distinctive position in society, at the same time being a daughter, a wife, a mother, homemaker, and all the other roles her considerable responsibilities call upon her seemingly infinite energy. Along with this emotional fluency, skill required to make a family survive and the language of power, the quintessential woman needs to be physically fit as well.

Very few physical disorders are unique to women, or are more prevalent or serious in women. Medical wellness consultants will inform you that the earliest to appear are precocious puberty, anorexia and bulimia. Reproductive health concerns are a major focus of women's health. Cancer is the leading cause of death in middle-aged women. Smoking contributes to numerous causes of death and disability among women.

Lung Cancer

Cancer accounts for maximum deaths among women aged between 35 to 54 years. For years, breast cancer was the leading cancer killer among women, but now lung cancer takes the lead with more and more women taking to cigarette smoking. What makes this change frightening and dramatic is that lung cancer is a preventable disease, yet today it kills more women than breast cancer.

Breast Cancer

There is, however, good news from women health specialists regarding breast cancer treatment. Modification in surgical procedures, research indicating that estrogen receptors respond well to a drug called tamoxifen and experimenting with a new drug called RU-486, along with women taking a more active part in their health care are considerable contributions to the treatment of breast cancer.


Occur four times more frequently in women than men. Attributed to multiple pregnancies, obesity, and rapid weight loss, the real cause of this disorder is still unknown. Stones are formed in the gall bladder due to a saturation of cholesterol and bile salts that crystallize and collect over time. A number of experimental drugs are being used as an alternative to a surgical approach called cholecystectomy.

Menopause and Osteoporosis

Post-menopausal women often suffer a disorder called Osteoporosis. Lack of estrogen after menopause causes loss of bone mass, resulting in weak bones that are susceptible to easy injury in case of a fall or mishap. There are no symptoms, and that is why Osteoporosis is known as the "silent disease". Certain steps can be taken to prevent osteoporosis from ever occurring. Women over the age of 50 have the greatest risk of developing osteoporosis and Caucasian and Asian women are more likely to develop this condition. Heredity and less body weight are an important risk factors. Exercise, calcium, vitamin D, and post-menopausal estrogen replacement play an important role in preventing this disorder.

Thyroid abnormalities 

Are four to five times more common among women than among men. While, there is effective treatment, the cause again is unknown. Arthritis and diabetes are other disorders that are more common in women. Lupus erythematosus is a disease in which 90 percent of the victims are women.

Hence, there are quite a few disorders that are more frequent in women than in men or that differentially affect women. While considerable progress has been made to combat most of these, there remains much to be learned about others.

It is every woman's prerogative to form clear questions about her physical health, find clear answers, gain a sense of empowerment through knowledge, and inevitably achieve peace of mind through total wellness. Here is information shared, openly and candidly, associated with women health and wellness. We women need to arm ourselves. We need this knowledge to manage our own care. ( Usha Kothari ) 

For Women, Health Issues Raise Special Concerns

For Women, Health Issues Raise Special Concerns
For Women, Health Issues Raise Special Concerns

When it comes to women health concerns can be far different than those faced by men. While it is true that the male and female bodies are prone to many of the same concerns with regard to illness, disease, and general maintenance, there is no arguing with the fact that women face a variety of unique challenges. These challenges begin early in life and continue well into menopause and beyond.

Reproductive issues

Girls first encounter the difficulties of being a woman when menstruation begins. From that point onward, girls face a host of issues directly related to their sex. Chemical imbalances in the vagina can result in yeast infections, and the uterus and ovaries are always susceptible to injury and various medical conditions.

Common ailments

Every woman soon learns that there are some illnesses and conditions that tend to affect females more than men. For example, men are three times less likely to suffer from gall stones than their female counterparts, and are also three times less likely to experience regular migraine headaches. Females also suffer more from urinary tract complications and bowel issues. There are also a host of cancers that seem to specifically target females.

Autoimmune complications

Multiple sclerosis and lupus are far more likely to appear in females than in males. Both are autoimmune conditions in which the immune systems of the body react negatively to the body's own tissue and cause degenerative symptoms that dramatically decrease the patient's quality of life. Fully three out of every four patients with these conditions are female.

Calcium deficiencies

As a woman ages, the density of her bones gradually decreases. Often times, female senior citizens can lose as much as one-half of their entire bone mass. In addition, these patients can suffer from brittle bones which leaves them vulnerable to weakness throughout their bodies. It also makes them more susceptible to falls, and increased damage to their bones when those falls occur.

Dealing with these concerns

Every woman should develop good habits early on in life, and maintain these habits to ensure that they remain as healthy as possible. Sound nutrition is, of course, essential, with particular emphasis on supplementing the diet with the necessary vitamins and minerals to protect her body against many common ailments. It is also critical to get into the habit of exercising regularly to maintain muscle strength and prevent obesity.

Part of this overall attention to good health consists of regular visits to both a family doctor and an obstetrician/gynecologist. These professionals can help to ensure that regular examinations are given to prevent reproductive, muscular, and skeletal problems, as well as many other common ailments. Where prevention is not possible, these doctors can at least enable their patients to receive early treatment to minimize any condition's impact.

When it comes to maintaining a healthy body, the process should begin as early as possible. Though the average woman will go through life with the potential for many medical complications, most can be avoided or minimized with a sound focus on healthy living. For the majority of women health concerns are best addressed beginning in childhood and continuing throughout the rest of their lives. ( Elaine Daniel ) 

Women Health Body

Women Health
Women Health

All of you are very much familiar with the saying that "health is wealth". This is implemented to all individual irrespective to their age, gender, social status and etc. Health is a very important issue for all the individuals. And when it comes to women health, there are lots of questions to be asked.

There are many issues when we talk about women health, out of them the important issues that most commonly experience by all women are discussed here.



Every woman experiences the natural phenomena of menopause. Menopause is a natural process in which there is permanent stoppage of the normal menstrual cycle and reproductive functions. Most women experience this stage after 40 years of life but normal age range is between 45-55 years.



It is the permanent ending of the menstrual cycle due to normal changing in the reproductive and hormonal systems of the body. Natural menopause in women described in three stages;

Perimenopause starts several years before menopause due to reduce secretion of female sex hormone from the reproductive organ. The second stage is actual menopause, in which reproductive organ completely stopped the release of female gamete and secretion of female hormone. It is diagnosed when there is no menses for about 12 months. And the last stage is post menopause that are the years after menopause in which signs of menopause go away but there is greatest risk of health problems.


In this there is surgical removal of reproductive organs and the women practice the signs and symptoms of menopause.


When the women taking treatment of cancer that is located near the reproductive organs may also result in the menopause. In this, symptoms of menopause begins during treatment or following treatment.


Most of the symptoms of menopause are due to he deficiency of female sex hormones, these symptoms includes hot flashes, increase pulse rate, depression, anxiety, mood swing, sleep disturbances, bone breaking, joint and back pain, skin wrinkles and thinning.



Osteoporosis is the bone disorder in which there is weakening of bones so high risk of breaking. These broken bones are called as fractures and most commonly occur in hips, wrist and backbone. (6) It normally appears after the menopause in which there is severely reduction in the female sex hormone that is involved in the bone formation.


There is no single cause for osteoporosis but risk factors can play an important role in the breaking of bones. These include;

AGING: risk of fracture increasing with age.
FAMILY HISTORY OF BONE PROBLEMS: especially if mother had hip fracture.
LOW CALCIUM INTAKE: since calcium plays an important role in bone formation deficiency of calcium can be overcome by taking supplements.
EXCESSIVE INTAKE OF ALCOHOL and CAFFEINE: that is 2 drinks per day and more than 4 cups of coffee, tea and soft drink.
EARLY MENOPAUSE: that is before age 40.
REDUCED BODY WEIGHT: that is less than 125 pounds.


Normally female do not know that she has osteoporosis until fracture occurs but some of the symptoms are backache, a gradual reduction in height accompanied by bent posture and fractures of wrists, hips and and backbone.


Fractures due to osteoporosis are very painful and take month for improving. In many conditions, pain goes away when healing is completed. If the pain remains after healing it is called as chronic pain and is due the back bone fracture. What ever the causes of this pain but the feelings of disturbance, anger and fear make it more intense.



Heart problems are uncommon in woman before menopause that do not have high blood pressure, diabetes and excessive fats in blood when compare with man.As the menopause occurs the risk of heart problems become similar to men.


It has been proven that deficiency of female sex hormone can enhanced the risk of heart problems. Due to the absence of this hormone, normal balancing of good and bad cholesterol levels and blood flow is disturbed that results in the heart problems in post menopausal women.


Most commonly there are increase chances of chest pain and heart attack due to thickening of vessels walls because of deposition of fats and formation of blood clots as well as narrowing of blood vessels and reduction in the blood flows to heart.


To reduce the symptoms of menopause Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is an effective treatment. Besides this, certain herbs and dietary supplements like alfalfa, soybeans, flaxseed oils and olive oils helpful in improving the symptoms of menopause.  ( Bob Woolmer ) 

Cramps and Backache Symptoms in Early Pregnancy

Cramps and Backache Symptoms in Early Pregnancy
Cramps and Backache Symptoms in Early Pregnancy

Bloating, Cramps and Backache in Early Pregnancy

As part of their physical pre-menstrual symptom, lots of women undergo bloating, cramping and minor backache. Normally this is also experienced as their uterus begins to grow at the early pregnancy stage. Other early pregnancy symptoms usually include:

• lighter bleeding or no period 
• cardiovascular, blood flow and temperature changes 
• nipple and breast changes 
• frequent visits to the toilet 
• morning sickness 
• saliva increase 
• fainting and dizziness 
• headaches 
• exhaustion and tiredness 
• constipation and wind 
• early pregnancy libido changes

Lighter Bleeding or No Period

Among the most obvious signs which allow a woman suspect or know about her pregnancy is usually the skipping of a menstrual period. However, there are a number of other symptoms and signs that give early pregnancy clues.

Every woman does not necessarily undergo a missed period during the early weeks that follow her inception. Other than mere confusion, this also leads to misjudged due date calculations and worries concerning continuation of the pregnancy.

Instead of normal periods, some women may experience 'implantation bleed', despite having conceived. Light bleeding usually occurs around 12 days following conception or fertilization of the egg in the woman fallopian tune, as the developing fetus begins burrowing into the mother's uterus lining.

Implantation bleeds typically occur shortly earlier than or almost around the same time as a pregnant woman's subsequent period would normally have occurred. Though, it is normally not as long or heavy as the normal average period.

Cardiovascular, Blood Flow and Temperature Changes

You will start detecting pregnancy or notice its symptoms 7 to 10 days after ovulation. 
Blood Flow Increase during Early Pregnancy

About six weeks following the last period of a pregnant woman, volume of blood that now flows through her pregnant body will increase gradually.

Pregnancy necessitates remarkable changes in your blood flow. Most obvious of these occurs in your uterus as well as in development of your placenta which enables the fetus to nurture. Blood flow to your skin also increases, thereby making you feel a little warmer and even sweat more, especially in your feet and hands.

This blood flow increase helps to boost the metabolism of your body by almost 20%, which creates extra body heat to protect you from feeling too cold. During pregnancy, your body core temperature will usually rise to around 37.8º Celsius, which is equivalent to around 100.4º Fahrenheit, whereas the normal body temperature is around 37º Celsius, which is equivalent to around 98.6º Fahrenheit. Surplus blood helps your body in meeting the metabolic requirements of your developing fetus, and in flowing to other vital organs, such as your kidneys, etc.

Nipple and Breast Changes

Within a period of 2 to 4 weeks of conception, your breasts will undergo a massive change.

Breast Changes during Pregnancy

Your breasts will begin to enlarge and develop under direct influence of a special hormone in the body, known as oestrogen. This hormone plays the main part during puberty, in the development of your breasts.

Changes noted in your breasts during pregnancy are on account of formation of the growing milk ducts for later breastfeeding purposes. An increase in blood supply will also cause veins of your breasts to become more obvious during pregnancy. As sign of pre-menstruation, some women may undergo breast changes shortly after conception. Accordingly, they may even sense changes prior to the date of their next period.

Frequent Visits to the Toilet

Many women frequently complain of a repeated urge to pass urine during the period of their early pregnancy. Though, you will start detecting pregnancy or notice its symptoms 7 to 10 days after ovulation, the likelihood of your not experiencing it until nearly at the end of a 6-week gestation period, is more probable.

Why an Urge to Urinate More

This is due to an increased flow of blood to your kidneys, which may be about 35 to 60% more. Shortly after conception, this additional blood makes your kidneys produce more urine, by about 25%. This increased production of urine peaks around nine to fifteen weeks of your pregnancy before gradually settling down.

Further, your developing uterus can also influence passing of frequent urine by applying pressure on your bladder. Pressure on your bladder is among the core reasons for passing frequent urine towards the three last months of your pregnancy. By this time your baby will also have become heavier, as well as moved down further into your pelvis during the weeks preceding birth.

Morning sickness

The morning sickness, actually a misnomer for the 'entire day sickness', reflects an overbearing nausea or possibly vomit feeling. It is easily among the most widespread physical complaints related to early pregnancy, caused due the reaction of your body to high level of the pregnancy hormone present.

When You Are Struck By Morning Sickness

Many women spontaneous react to certain smells or odors, and at times even when a toothbrush is pushed down too far, it causes an overwhelming feeling of vomit or nausea.

Overall, about 85 percent of pregnant women are plagued by various stages of morning sickness. Hence, it is can reasonably be called an inherent feature of pregnancy. Usual signs of morning sickness normally start to show themselves about four weeks into pregnancy and may continue up to around the twelfth week, when they begin to gradually resolve.

Saliva Increase

During the 6-week gestation period, though highly unappetizing, an unexpected amount of saliva may normally be produced by your salivary glands.

Excessive Salivation during Early Pregnancy

Many women may notice that their salivary glands are producing excessive saliva. Some may find this excessive salivation highly unpleasant and nauseating. They may hence even blame it as the primary cause of their morning sickness.

'Ptyalism' is a medical term commonly used for referring to excessive saliva. Though, it may develop entirely by itself, it is normally associated with vomiting and nausea, or the symptoms of morning sickness related to the early pregnancy period.

Fainting and Dizziness

Though, dizziness is quite common in the early pregnancy period, fainting or 'syncope', has the trend to be rather uncommon.

Fainting and Dizziness during Early Pregnancy

In Victorian times, fainting was considered a more unsophisticated manner of recognizing that a lady was actually pregnant. Remarkably, this simple physical gesture was most certainly not a far call from the reality. Fainting in early or even mid pregnancy periods may be the causative result of natural dilation and relaxation of your blood vessels under the sway of the hormone known as progesterone that lowers your blood pressure.


Due to a profusion of various hormonal changes in your body during the weeks that follow conception, grueling headaches can be a common phenomenon in many pregnant women.

Headaches during Early Pregnancy

The common fact that women may generally be more prone severe to headaches during their early pregnancy period, but are medically advised to desist from taking pain killers, is rather ironic.

Though, during the initial 12-week period of your pregnancy, headaches are a result of hormonal changes in your body, its cause could equally be an increase in the volume of blood circulating through your entire system.

Exhaustion and Tiredness

Though, tiredness may commonly be termed as a normal symptom during your early pregnancy days, it is not necessarily entirely related to your changed hormonal state or even to that of your growing baby.

Excessive Tiredness during Early Pregnancy

It is not utterly abnormal for you to feel excessively tired at various stages of your pregnancy. A lot of women who are newly pregnant may experience extreme fatigue in their initial 12-week pregnancy period.

Constipation and wind

Bloating of your stomach or inability to visit the toilet can be a common symptom during your first trimester, which can however also reappear towards the last trimester of your pregnancy.

Constipation and Wind during Early Pregnancy

Normal constipation, meaning difficulty faced in opening up your bowels, is believed to be the result of progesterone hormone which decreases 'motility' or movement of your gut.

Hence, longer the food is retained in your intestines, higher the volume of water which is slowly reabsorbed back from your bowels into the system, making it even more difficult to pass out.

Early Pregnancy Libido Changes

Libido and sex, which are primarily the factors responsible for conception, generally undergo a significant change during the first few weeks following conception. Sex turns into a festivity of their own pregnancy for women who sense a feeling freedom from contraception. Additional blood that now flows to their genitals and breasts can help to increase sensitivity, sex desire as well as sexual arousal. But in case of many other women, the initial twelve to eighteen weeks following conception bring a continued sense of vomiting, nausea or tiredness, making sex the last thing they feel like partaking in.

Cramping Following Conception

In the initial weeks following conception, many women normally worry upon feeling moderate pulling, tugging and cramping. Some of them find salts like 'Mag Phos' quite helpful in relieving their cramping condition.

When bleeding does not accompany their cramping, it is mostly normal. However, if you experience sever or strong pain or cramping, you should instantly consult your local physician for further advice and guidance.

Aches and Cramps

During pregnancy, pains and aches are rather common, just as expected muscle cramps in your legs, thighs and feet. Though the precise reason for them is unknown, it is strongly suspected that expansion of your uterus may be responsible for applying pressure on blood vessels and nerves in your legs, whereby causing occasional pain and leg cramps.

If you should experience cramps, try stretching your affected muscle or limb. You can also try by straightening the leg so that your toes face in your direction. Your partner can be asked for help, if needed. Standing up so that your leg is stretched can also provide some relief. If pain in your cramps persists, ask your partner for a massage. You may also call for professional massage to make the best use of your relaxation period, which would be excellent for you.

Diet makes a significant difference. Many nutritionists are convinced phosphorous, potassium and calcium supplements are suitable for relieving cramps. However, you must consult your physician prior to using any supplements. Your healthy diet should include leafy vegetables and fresh fruits, in addition to food sufficiently rich in calcium, such as yogurt, cheese and milk.

Stomach Cramps and Constipation

If you fail to consume sufficient quantities of fluids, which help to increase the volume of your blood, you may experience dehydration that in turn will cause constipation. You must therefore consume plenty of fluids, prune on snacks and regularly exercise.

Laxative use without your physician's approval is not recommended. If you consistently suffer constipation, discuss this condition at your prenatal visit. Since straining may cause hemorrhoids, it must be absolutely avoided.

Backache during Early Pregnancy

Backache during early pregnancy is literally a nuisance. Your torso and posture will gradually begin losing alignment as your pregnancy progresses and most of your weight pushes forwards, this will result in straining your back. In short, your center of gravity will shift forward.

Another significant factor is the typical lack of a good night's sleep. As you shift on your side, trying to be comparatively more comfortable, your womb weight will be stretching the muscles of your back, resulting in your backache.

Finally, your body changes and hormones also exercise some effect. Since your body will be preparing to give birth, a number of your ligaments and joints will start loosening up in order to facilitate the delivery process. All these changes put together can result in the backache which is the common early symptom of pregnancy. As per general estimates, it is assumed that 50% of most pregnant women experience this symptom. ( Asif Lone )

COFFEE - 3 Tricks to Make it Super-Healthy

Mmm, coffee ... almost everybody drinks that ... some people have 3-4 cups a day or more.

But most people do not think of it as a "health drink". And it certainly is not healthy that most people do it with lots of sugar or artificial sweeteners and artificial cream.

But I would give my advice here, healthier cup of coffee and see what ...

First, you can debate in the past about how coffee has some connections in it, have seen the negative effects on health, such as might have some tar or other potentially inhibitory compounds in coffee. But the good news is that coffee has such high concentrations of beneficial antioxidants, phenol nutrients, chlorogenic acid and other healthful compounds that counteract more of the bad connections.

In fact, coffee has the greatest source of antioxidants for most Americans. Although many have with the fact that many Americans do not have enough antioxidants to fruit and vegetables, so the coffee ends up being its biggest source. You should try to diversify their sources of antioxidants from fruits, vegetables, spices, fruits, beans, organic cocoa without sugar, tea, and yes, even coffee, if you like.

So what is the best way to make a healthy cup of coffee? Well, here are my top 3 tips to maximize the benefits and minimize the negative coffee:

1. First, you need to avoid adding harmful refined sugar or artificial sweeteners. What I do instead is either a touch of organic maple syrup or half a pack of natural Stevia to sweeten coffee only slightly. If you like black unsweetened coffee at all, that's the healthiest way.

If you always keep your coffee at a cafe, make sure that all these fancy coffees (latte with sweet taste, Frappuccinos, etc.), as they are almost always avoid loaded with extra sugar or artificial sweeteners. Some of these fancy coffee drinks at Starbucks or other cafes can drink 300-400 calories in just a coffee! Definitely not good for your body or your blood glucose or insulin levels.

A latte or cappuccino can be fine as long as you make sure to order it without sugar, then use your own Stevia, if you need a slight sweetness.

2. You should also try to avoid at all costs a shit these artificial cream (liquid or powder) generally corn syrup solids and hydrogenated oils (trans fats harmful) to be made. Instead, use some real cream full fat (organic pasture, if found, as the CLA in grass fed cream is very healthy).

Or better yet, what I. With some time coconut milk / cream as one of the healthiest alternatives Creamer, I get this by buying organic canned coconut milk, then after opening the can (Shake well before opening), coconut water savings in the refrigerator in a container. Note that the cans coconut milk are much better than creamy coffee cream and coconut milk drink boxes '' which is diluted with coconut milk only.

The thick creamy coconut milk is the healthiest for coffee cream option as medium flame with super healthy saturated fat triglycerides (MCT), which are known, accused of promoting the immune system and metabolism! In addition, coconut milk in coffee just delicious! It is the best Creamer, healthy option by far.

When people visit my house and make us a cup of coffee, I'll try the coconut milk / cream in your coffee and almost everyone always says how much I love it!

3. If you are loading your coffee with healthier and tasteful antioxidants, consider trying a little extra cinnamon, your coffee as (cinnamon can help control blood sugar, and has many other health benefits). It is also found in coffee really delicious!

I also sometimes as a teaspoon (unsweetened) organic cocoa powder to add my coffee, my own way of mocha makeup (but without the expense of a typical mocha sugar you get in the cafeteria). The addition of cocoa powder also gives you a lot of flavor and a healthy dose of additional antioxidants (and cocoa is also known to help lower blood pressure!)

Personally, I only drink coffee about 3-4 times a week, because I am sensitive to caffeine and do not want me addicted to caffeine, as some people are. I see people. 3-4 cups a day, drink a huge headache when they have their daily coffee, because caffeine withdrawal only decide this addiction to drink about 3-4 times a week to avoid, and drink a variety of teas such as green tea, oolong, black and white most other days that contain caffeine are much lower.

But despite the caffeine content, there are a lot of data that the high level of antioxidants and health benefits, to show coffee.

Finally, it is extremely important to choose organic coffee beans, as conventional coffee is one of the crops treated with pesticides, fungicides and herbicides. Remember that one of the many health risks of these chemicals is that some pesticides can be used as "xenoestrogens" act in the body, alter hormonal balance for men and women. Chronic exposure may also xenoestrogen a cause of "stubborn belly fat" in both sexes, as well as "man boobs" in men ... so choose organic as often as possible with most foods, but especially the coffee!

How to Prevent a Stroke in Women Naturally

How to Prevent a Stroke in Women Naturally
How to Prevent a Stroke in Women Naturally  

How to prevent stroke in women, of course? The American Heart Association has to avoid policies that support women, established to conduct a race course a longer, healthier life.

Each year, about 800,000 Americans have a new or recurrent movement, which, when a blood vessel in the brain bursts or is passed by a clot blocks. The American Heart Association is to prevent its first guidelines on stroke in women recently. The focus is on pregnancy, contraceptives and other risk factors that women are clearly or more frequently than men. With stroke is the third leading cause of death in women and the fifth leading cause of death in men, this is a very serious risk factor Americans.

My sister had a stroke last the whole family in shock year, but have been very blessed to recover very fast and good. It was under his morning walks, jogging in the afternoon and a healthy diet since. She has lost about twenty pounds and his health has greatly improved. The AHA guidelines apply to patients like my sister Michelle suffered a stroke.

The key to surviving a stroke and minimize disability recognize symptoms such as weakness or numbness of an arm, slurred speech, and hanging over the side of the face. Guidelines for the prevention of stroke focus on the control of diabetes and blood pressure, more exercise or fat loss and healthy eating and smoking. According to Dr. Cheryl Bushnell, director of career at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina led the panel that wrote the guidelines, published in Stroke, a journal Heart Association.


During pregnancy, the strokes are rare, but the risk is even greater, especially in the last three months and immediately after childbirth. The real problem is dangerously high blood pressure, which may have a seizure and other problems, the result called preeclampsia. Later in life the risk of stroke doubles and the risk of hypertension after pregnancy quadrupled. The guidelines state that can reduce the risk of preeclampsia with calcium and pregnant women with high blood pressure (160/110) may require lowering drugs.


According to the guidelines hormone it should not be used to try to prevent a stroke. Now the guidelines put women's issues on the table € € as discuss more doctors, said Dr. Shazam Hussain, director of the Cleveland Clinic career.


It is recommended that women be tested for high blood pressure before taking oral contraceptives because the combination may increase the risk of stroke. Although the risk is small, women aged 45 to 49. There is greater among the more than 10 million women currently on the pill.

Aspirin and Migraines

An aspirin is provided for all those who have suffered a stroke, unless the race was bleeding in the brain, rather than a blood clot are recommended or caused bleeding risk is a concern, says Bushnell. A low dose of aspirin every day can be useful € € in the risk of stroke in women over age 65 only if the benefit is greater to reduce the possibility of bleeding or other risks, according to the guidelines. Women are four times more likely to suffer from migraines than men, and they generally agree with hormonal changes. Migraine with aura to the risk of stroke, but not to raise alone. Smoking and oral contraceptives increase the risk even more, so that the guidelines emphasize that patient smoking completely.

I recommend that all Americans, especially women have the following guidelines from the American Heart Association stroke to prevent all live longer and healthier accidents. A balanced diet and daily exercise is very important for reducing stroke, heart attack, diabetes and other serious problems today so take your health measures affecting key to better health.